Dues & Membership Renewals
The PALE Board of Directors has three announcements to make regarding Dues payments & the Membership renewal process. We believe that these will benefit all the Club Members.
First, we are dropping the requirement that all members must renew their membership in October of every year. We realize the burden this places on the membership as not everybody can attend every meeting. So, starting with the August meeting, we are moving to an Anniversary renewal model. The date you join/renew with the club becomes your anniversary month and that is when you must renew every proceeding (if you choose to do so, and we hope you do). For those current members who have paid their half-year dues already, we will collect the full-dues from you in October and that will become your anniversary month. Those members who have yet to renew, the date you do-so will become your anniversary month. We will track all of this in a database and send out notifications starting two months in advance of your renew date. The Dues rate remains $20/yr.
Second, the Board of Directors has voted to implement a Household Discount model; conditions apply. The discounted rate is available to a single person living in the same household as a Member in Good Standing. The second person’s relationship to the Member in Good Standing is irrelevant, so long as they live at the same address. The Household Discounted Dues rate is $5/yr. (We know there will be questions on this, please comment below or email us at info@PALEBrewers.org and the board will respond)
Lastly, the Board recognizes that we have a lot of members who are active on Facebook and the Forums, attend PALE Social events, hang out at CBW, attend brew events, etc., but because of their schedule, it is extremely difficult for them to get to a meeting, making it impossible for them to renew their membership with the Club in a timely manner. To show our appreciation to those members, and to make the entire dues payment process easier for ALL our members, we are now accepting Dues renewal payments via PayPal. The link is available under the “Membership” tab of the Main website. This link is for renewals ONLY. if you are looking to get a friend signed up with the Club, they have to attend a meeting in person to get registered. PLEASE NOTE, there is a $1.00 surcharge to each online renewal; this is done to cover the fees that PayPay charges us for their service.
If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, please email the Board of Directors at info@PALEBrewers.org and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Thank you,
Peter J. Rzeminski II
PALE Homebrew Club